Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I read a quote from the HRC newsletter that struck me:

“As you all know, I don't believe in discriminating against anybody, but when it comes to traditional marriage, I draw the line.” – Sen. Orrin Hatch

Am I incorrect in interpreting, based on this exact quote, that Mr. Hatch DOES believe in discriminating when it comes to homosexuals being allowed to marry? He supports discrimination?

Who in their right mind would want a lawmaker representing them that supports discrimination against ANYONE for ANY reason?

The HRC has an excellent advertisement against the Federal Marriage Amendment. Check it out here.

June 5th is when the Amendment comes up for vote in the Senate. If you oppose this amendment, call your senator, write your senator, bombard your senator with your wish that they vote "No" on this discriminatory amendment.

Let's get America back from the radical right and the religious nut-jobs like Falwell, Swaggart, Santorum, Hatch, Robertson, and Dobson.

Remind your senator that the war in Iraq continues to drain our resources. Remind your senator that while we are getting gouged for gas, the oil companies are making billions of dollars in profits. Remind your senator that there is a health care crisis in this country. Remind your senator that there are critical services that are being lost in budget cuts because of the enormous expenditures of government at higher levels. Tell them THAT is more important than worrying about who's doing who and how.

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