Saturday, October 29, 2005

New Paltz Mayor Loses Appeal

While it's disappointing, I have to agree with the logic of the appeals court's ruling. The part I agree with is highlighted in red.

(New Paltz, New York) A New York State appeals court has ruled that New Paltz mayor Jason West "exceeded his authority" and "undermined the principle of separation of powers" when he performed marriages for same-sex couples in the Hudson Valley hamlet last year.

West performed the weddings for 24 gay and lesbian couples in front of the village hall on Feb. 27, 2004 (story) even though state law does not allow same-sex couples to get marriage licenses.

West was charged with 24 counts of violating the state's domestic relations law. The charges were dismissed by a town court judge who said there were constitutional problems in banning same-sex marriages. (story)

But the county prosecutor appealed. West was barred from performing more weddings as the legal battled continued.

The Appellate Division of state Supreme Court in its ruling issued on Thursday said that the issue in the case is not whether the state's marriage laws are constitutional, but rather did West violate state law by performing the marriage ceremonies.

In his legal arguments West maintained that he acted legally, arguing that under the equality provisions of the state constitution he was obligated to allow same-sex couples to wed.

The court disagreed. "This case is about orderly government," the court's written ruling said. The judgment said that a public official has no right to disregard a law he feels is unconstitutional otherwise, it would mean "permitting a part-time local official to effectively amend the laws of this state with input from neither the Legislature nor the courts."

Writing for the five-judge panel, Justice John Lahtinen issued a stern rebuke.

"West robed himself with judicial powers and declared the marriage laws of this state unconstitutional. Having concluded that the Legislature violated the constitution, he then wrapped himself with that body's power and drafted his own set of documents for licensing marriages. In so doing, he clearly exceeded his role as a village mayor."

The court noted that the constitutionality of New York State's ban on same-sex marriage is already being argued in other courts.

Appeals in two cases involving same-sex marriage rights are under way in the state.

In one case, the American Civil Liberties Union is representing 12 same-sex couples, among them New York State Assemblyman Danny O'Donnell and his partner John Banta. (story) O'Donnell is the brother of Rosie O'Donnell.

The appeal involves an upstate ruling that upheld New York State's ban on same-sex marriage.

In the other case New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is appealing a February ruling by Judge Doris Ling-Cohan that said the state's ban on gay marriage is unconstitutional and that the New York city clerk may not deny a marriage license solely because a couple is of the same sex. (story)

It is expected that two cases eventually will be combined and heard by the New York's highest court, the Court of Appeals.

Objectively, I have to agree with this ruling. At the same time, I'm grateful that Mayor West did what he did, as it set yet another action in motion in our own state.

Of note is the fact that a conservative Christian group filed suit to have more than 200 marriages performed in New Paltz (by Mayor West and the clergy members who were later charged with solemnizing a marriage without a license) invalidated. In September of last year, State Supreme Court Justice Michael Kavanagh ruled that the couples married would have to be named as parties to the case, and given their say in court on the matter. The group vowed to assemble the names of every couple married in New Paltz (like us) and return. In the past year since this ruling, we've never received any correspondence or other notification regarding the continuation of this action to have our marriage nullified.

But it's not the suit to nullify the marriages that's of note, it's that the suit was brought in the first place along with the judge's refusal to nullify them. Does that mean that our New Paltz marriage documents bear some legitimacy? Why else would these so-called Christians bring suit to have them invalidated and why else would a judge actually refuse to do so? If they had no legal basis to start with (as many anti-gay groups claim), then why didn't the judge just dismiss the suit saying that these marriages had no legal merit of their own to start with?

The charges against the clergy were eventually dropped as well. While the ruling was more of a soap-box lecture by the dismissing judge, it should really have been about the separation of church and state. If the clergy believe in same-sex marriage and perform these marriages, then how can they be prosecuted for these beliefs? THAT is what the central issue of that particular case should have been. However, it's entirely possible that the judge received counsel from one of her colleagues and decided to take it on as a soap-box issue rather than a constitutional one, lest more clergy take a positive ruling regarding the separation of church and state as a license to perform same-sex marriages throughout the state. Best to keep it confined to just one small town in upstate New York.

I would really like for this matter to be resolved, once and for all, here in New York. It seems like that old proverb about the monkey jumping out of the well, where he jumps up 3 feet and slides back two. Yes, eventually, we'll get out of the well, but the whole sliding back 2 feet thing can wear on the nerves and the emotions quite nicely.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

How Many Bush Cronies Does it Take to Change a Lightbulb?

How many members of the Bush Administration are needed to replace a lightbulb?

The Answer is TEN:

1. one to deny that a lightbulb needs to be changed,

2. one to attack the patriotism of anyone who says the lightbulb needs to be changed,

3. one to blame Clinton for burning out the lightbulb,

4. one to tell the nations of the world that they are either for changing the lightbulb or for darkness,

5. one to give a billion dollar no-bid contract to Halliburton for the new lightbulb,

6. one to arrange a photograph of Bush, dressed as a janitor, standing on a step ladder under the banner "Lightbulb Change Accomplished",

7. one administration insider to resign and write a book documenting in detail how Bush was literally "in the dark",

8. one to viciously smear #7,

9. one surrogate to campaign on TV and at rallies on how George Bush has had a strong light-bulb-changing policy all along,

10. and finally one to confuse Americans about the difference between screwing a lightbulb and screwing the country.

Noteworthy News

Of course, by now, everyone knows that Rosa Parks died. A very brave lady, she really opened a lot of doors for oppressed people. I was surprised to learn, however, that she lived her life as a person of little means. She worked all her life but, in the end, rented a small apartment that she nearly got evicted from due to non-payment of rent. Eventually, the landlord offered to let her stay there, rent-free, as long as she wanted to. Another decent human being.


Harriet Miers has a half-a-brain, after all. She's withdrawn her nomination for the Supreme Court.

The Human Rights Campaign said the withdrawal was an indication President Bush is afraid of losing his conservative base.

“Her withdrawal today demonstrates that the President is beholden to extremist groups rather than to the American people, said HRC President Joe Solmonese.
--excerpt from article at


A Michigan woman was fired from her part-time job for not showing up at work the day after she sent her husband off to war. She had told her employer that she would try to be back on the 17th of October but that, if she was too drained from the emotional experience, she would be back on the 18th for sure. She said goodbye to her husband on the 16th, came home and was exhausted from the emotions and the travel, and didn't go to work on the 17th. That day, her employer called her and told her to come in the next day and get her stuff, as she was being fired.

Guess the employer never had the privilege of sending a loved one off to war, eh?


In San Bernardino, CA, the local sheriff has an overcrowding problem in his county jails. His solution? Sheriff Gary Penrod has stopped booking thieves, drug dealers, burglars and other non-violent suspects into San Bernardino County jails. Penrod's temporary solution means drug dealers arrested with as much as 24 pounds of illegal narcotics could be set free if they promise to appear in court.

Because we all know that drug dealers are good on their words, right?


Sheryl Swoopes made room in her closet for clothes this week. "I'm just at a point in my life where I'm very happy, and I'm very content, and I want to be able to live my life and be who I am and not pretend anymore,'' she said by phone from her home in Houston. "And I feel like for seven, eight years, that's what I've been doing, pretending to be somebody that I'm not and to want something that I don't want.''

I hear ya, Sheryl. It took 40+ years for me.


They're going to keep us in suspense for another day. But, it looks more and more like Rove and Libby might actually have indictments against them. Perhaps the house of cards is ready to topple, finally. Hopefully, that grand jury result will contain an indictment against Scott McClellan just for being a dipshit. I can't decide who I hate listening to worse -- McClellan or Chimpy.


The NFL has decided to not black out the New Orleans Saints "home" game in San Antonio, Texas, even though it's not a sold out event. They're calling it "good will." How magnanimous of them. Deciding not to black out a game for a team whose base of fans is STILL baling water out of their basements, houses, and places of employment. Assuming, of course, those structures are standing enough to hold said water.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Vile, despicable, contemptible, depraved, vicious...

I can think of a whole bunch of other words to describe this piece of human garbage (emphasis my own):

(London) Anti-gay preacher Fred Phelps says that gays are responsible for the hurricanes which have hit the South this year and for 9-11 and the terrorist attack in London.

He made the statements in a British television program broadcast Tuesday night. "The Sky Report" secretly filmed Phelps for a documentary on hate.

Fifty-two people died in this year's terrorist attacks on the London transit system.

"Oh I am so thankful that happened. My only regret is that they didn't kill about million of them. England deserves that kind of punishment, as does this country (America)," Phelps said in the broadcast.

"The Sky Report" included pictures, filmed undercover inside what the network said was "the church's fortified compound".

The program showed Phelps during a weekly service in which he denounced the Roman Catholic Church as the "biggest pedophile organization in the history of the world".

Phelps' organization, which calls itself the Westboro Baptist Church, has 150 members most of which are relatives of the outspoken pastor. The 'church' is not part of any organized denomination.

Phelps and his followers, who engage in anti-gay picketing around the country gained nationwide attention when it protested at the funeral of Matthew Shepard. Recently the group has targeted military funerals claiming that gays are responsible for the war in Iraq.

On Monday an Indiana state senator said he would propose legislation to prevent members of the Phelps' clan from demonstrating at military funerals. (story)

Members of the 'church' say they will take their anti-gay protests to Sweden later this year. In August, Phelps claimed that Sweden's King Carl Gustaf is gay.

Angry over a Swedish court ruling that a fundamentalist minister broke that country's hate speech law during a fiery speech against homosexuality, Phelps lashed out at the royal family. (story)

Calling Sweden "a land of sodomy, bestiality, and incest", he went on to say: "The King looks like an anal-copulator, & his grinning kids look slutty & gay."

What say we form our own church, and make its mission to denigrate this asshole and his clan.