Thursday, November 10, 2005

Federal Marriage Protection Act Moves Forward

The proposed amendment to the US constitution which would ban same-sex marriages moved out of the sub-committee and was sent to the entire committee for vote.

The deciding vote Wednesday was cast by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA). Specter, the chair of the full Judiciary Committee, repeating remarks he made on the weekend said that while he opposes the amendment he believes it should receive a vote on the Senate floor.

Spector claims that, when this issue comes before the full Senate for a vote, he will oppose it.

I think I may understand what he's doing here. I think he wants it to come before the full Senate, for defeat, so that it can be put to rest once and for all. I'd like to think this is what his motives are.

But then again, sometimes people call me Pollyanna.

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