Friday, July 22, 2005

Why women are "becoming" lesbians

Y'just hafta give this guy a listenin' to.

Apparently this guy's "sermon" was secretly taped by a parishoner, who is now being labeled as a "Negro spy" by the Reverend Willie. And remember, this was a sermon, in church, with children present.

...and we live in a time now, brothers have been so, uh, put down, can't get a job, lot of the sisters makin' mo' money than brothers and it's creating problems in families. That's one of the reasons our families breakin' up and that's one of the reason many of our women are becoming LESBIAN.

You got to be careful when you say you don't need no man. "I can make it by myself." Well if you don't need a man, what's left? LESBIANISM 'bout to take over our community. I'm talking 'bout YOUNG girls.

My son in high school last year tried to go to the prom he said "Dad I ain't got nobody to take to the prom because all the girls in my class are gay. Ain't but two of 'em straight, and both of them ugly." I ain't got nobody to take to the prom. Can I park here for a minute? I ain't homophobic because everybody in here got somethin' wrong with 'em. Whoever you point at, you can point at your own self, you got somethin' wrong with yo' life.

But when you get down to this day, women fallin' down on women, strappin yourself up with something, it ain't real! That thing ain't got no feelin' in it! It ain't natural. Anytime somebody gotta slap some grease on your behind to stick somethin' in you, there's something wrong with that! Your butt ain't made for that! You got blood vessels and membranes in your behind. And if you put something unnatural in there, it breaks 'em all up. No wonder your behind is bleeding. It's destroying us!

Can't make no connection with a screw and another screw. Bible says God made them male and female. The Hebrew word negad which means complimentary nature, there is something unique to man and unique to woman and it takes those two things to complement each other. You can't make a connection with two screws, it takes a screw and a NUT!

By my observation, it appears that the Reverend Willie's wife got the screw AND the nut!

And let's talk about his son for just a minute. First off, how does he know that every girl in his school is gay except for the two? And the two that aren't, are too ugly for this alleged "Christian" to be seen with? It sounds to me like the Reverend Willie's son has some real feelings of inadequacy and, rather than face the fact that HE might be defective socially, it's easier for him to tell himself and his father that there's something wrong with every girl at his school. He never stopped to wonder why 90% (minus the 10% who might be gay) of the girls in his son's school would rather be persecuted and demeaned by people like him than to go to the prom with his son?! Mmm hmm. Riiiiigggggght.

And, to insinuate that all it takes to make a straight woman convert to lesbianism is to make more money than men, then why aren't ALL women dykes? I wonder if he truly realizes how much of a slam that is against straight men, as well as lesbians and straight women who have studied their asses off and worked their way up to a point where they make EQUAL money to their male counterparts? And, following this logic, does that mean that men who earn more money are "light in the loafers" as well?

And, another question. Why would LESBIANS need to grease up their BEHINDS for something to get shoved in them? Seems to me that the Reverend Willie might need a lesson in basic biology/anatomy.

No wonder his son thinks all girls at his school are gay except the two ugly ones...

1 comment:

Pat said...

Thanks, Amy. I visited your blog -- brilliant!