Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Happy Anniversary Massachusetts!

A year ago today, Massachusetts became the first state to legalize same-sex marriages. Dogs and cats don't sleep together, a hailstorm of frogs, a plague of locusts and the collapse of civilization, while predicted, never came to fruition. Perhaps that's because same-sex marriage is no different than opposite-sex marriages? Perhaps the religious and moral arguments are without substantial basis (especially where the creation of law is concerned)?

There is still a faction in Massachusetts that is trying to get the anti-gay-marriage amendment through the house and onto the ballot for vote, but it doesn't look like they'll be all that successful. After all, Massachusetts experienced a windfall in tourism in the past 12 months.

Civil rights have NEVER been put to vote in this country, nor have they ever been achieved through popular vote. Civil rights have ALWAYS been decided in the courts -- and marriage equality, ultimately, will be no different.

Happy anniversary to all those couples who married a year ago today. May you find true happiness and strength in each other, and may you find real equality.

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